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Uniuyo Post Utme Past Questions and Answer Free Download PDF

Aspirants of The University of Uyo who scored 180+ in the just concluded UTME can now get the compiled booklet that contains all the University of Uyo,  Uniuyo Post UTME Past Questions and Answers from 2006 to till date.

uniuyo post utme past questions and answer

If you are among those who took part in the Jamb Examination and you score above 180, then you are eligible to participate in the Uniuyo Post UTME Screening Examination that is coming up in the next couple of weeks!, if you want to score HIGH in your Post UTME, then you need to study the past questions and answers of your school of choice! 80% of the past questions are repeated yearly.
If you choose University of Uyo as your choice in the Jamb UTME, then you are in luck because we have the full Post UTE Past Question and Answer that you can study at your own leisure.

The Uniuyo Post UTME Past Questions and Answers is a compulsory or necessary tool that every success minded University aspirant must get in order to adequately prepare for the Uniuyo Aptitude Test Examination that is coming up.

You are wondering why I’m saying its a necessary tool, right? There is nothing as bad as ignorance. This is why people keep writing the test year after year.

The post UTME screening test is always set by one panel of the University. Mind you, most of these screening test questions often repeat in subsequent years.

In an effort to ease your work load and boost your Admission chance, We’ve compiled a comprehensive booklet which contains past Uniuyo Aptitude test questions and answers (2006 – till date) for the University of Uyo.

Uniuyo Post UTME exam is fairly simple but you’ll need to score very high to ensure your place in the admission list.


In effort to contribute to your chance of Admission, We’ve compiled a comprehensive e-booklet which contains past Uniuyo Aptitude test questions and answers (2006 – till date) for the University of Uyo. The cost is just N800

So how do I get Uniuyo Post UTME Past questions and answers?

Irrespective of your subject combination, we have all the Past questions papers in stock for all the candidates.
The past questions paper costs a token of N800 for the four subjects combination.

The past question paper is in PDF format, this will be sent to your email after payment.
After successful payment, send your depositor’s name, email, and the course you intend to study in school in a text message to the phone line below:

After successful payment, text/SMS the following to our number for processing:
* Your name,
* Teller Number
* Your email address and
* The course you intend to study in Uniuyo to our official mobile/whatsapp: 08051311885

*Name: Gift Ese,
Teller Number: 0123455
Course: Computer Science
School: University of Uyo

After receiving your details and confirmed your payment, the past questions will be sent to you in not later than 30 minutes.

All inquiry should be forwarded to the phone line above.

Once you get the past questions, please reply the email or come back to this page and leave your testimonial in the comment section.

Below is the list of candidates that choose University of Uyo as their institution of choice through the just concluded JAMB-UTME registration exercise. In list below, you can see the serial number, followed by the courses and the number of candidates that applied for UNIUYO.

Accountancy/Accounting, 2,089/ 2
AccountingEducation 139/ 3
Agric-economics  AndExtension, 121/ 4
AgriculturalEngineering, 61/ 5
AgriculturalScienceAndEducation, 147/ 6
Agriculture , 41/7
Animal   Science, 42/ 8
Architecture, 570/ 9
BankingAndFinance, 797/ 10
Biochemistry , 712 /11
Botany And EcologicalStudies, 38/ 12
Building, 114/ 13
Business  Management , 2,835 / 14
ChemicalEngineering 428/ 15
Chemistry, 54/ 16
CivilEngineering, 1,074/ 17
CommunicationArts, 1,103 /18
ComputerEducation, 54 /19
ComputerEngineering, 782 /20
ComputerScience, 859/ 21
CurriculumStudies, 19/ 22
Economics, 1,351/ 23
Education   FineArt
Education  &Mathematics. 51/ 25
EducationAnd  EnglishLanguage, 570/ 26
EducationAnd  History, 4 /27
EducationAnd  Political   Science, 366/ 28
EducationAnd  Science, 32 /29
EducationAndChemistry, 72 /30
EducationAndFrench, 6/ 31
EducationAndIntegratedScience, 35 /32
EducationAndSocialStudies, 306/ 33
Education&  SocialScience, 73 /34
Education&Economics, 332 / 35
Education&Physics, 30 /36
Education&ReligiousStudies , 137 / 37
EducationAndBiology, 432 / 38
EducationAndGeography, 35 /39
EducationArts , 9/ 40
Efik-ibibio, 12 /41
Electrical/ElectronicsEngineering , 1,399 /42
EnglishLanguage , 458 / 43
Estate Management, 337/ 44
Fine And Industrial Arts, 104 / 45
Fisheries And Aquaculture, 9 / 46
Fisheries And Aquatic Envrionment Management, 6 / 47
Food Engineering, 50 /48
Food Science And Technology , 153 /49
Forestry And Wildlife. 12 /50
French, 42 /51
Geography And Regional Planning , 215 /52
Guidance & Counselling , 289 /53
Health Education, 184 /54
History And International Studies, 538/55
Home  Economics And Education, 18 /56
Home Economics, 38/57
Human Anatomy, 166/ 58
Insurance, 148/59
Land Surveying And  Geoinformatics, 175 /60
Law, 3,408/61
Library Science , 237 / 62
Linguistics, 213 /63
Marketing, 296 /64
Mass Communication, 2,121 / 65
Mathematics, 46 /66
Mechanical Engineering , 1,092/ 67
Medicine And Surgery, 3,770/68
Microbiology , 1,193 /69
Music, 77/70
Petroleum   Engineering, 1,270/ 71
Pharmacy, 1,946 /72
Philosophy, 132 /73
Physical  Education, 58 /74
Physics, 52/ 75
Physiology, 191 /76
Political Science, 2,110/ 77
Pre-primary And Primary Education, 172 /78
Psychology, 279 /79
Quantity Surveying, 150/ 80
Religious And Cultural Studies, 140 /81
Sociology  And Anthroplogy , 635 / 82
Soil Science, 19/ 83
Special Education, 38 /84
Statistics, 46 /85
Technical   Education, 26/ 86
Theatre Arts, 465/ 87
Urban And Regional Planning, 154/ 88
Vocational Education, 8/ 89
Zoology, 21

With this number, you can know how many souls you are competing with for limited admission space in Uniuyo.  Start Preparing for UNIUYO Post UTME Ahead of Time. Buy UNIUYO Post UTME Past Questions and Answers Now.


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